For the launch of its latest smartphone, the Nokia N8, the Finnish firm has used YouTube. Through an interactive movie of 2 min, Nokia allows users, via a button "See More" to flip back and forth between the classical world and the HD one. This clip is based on a very good music "Pedrophilia" released in June 2008 by Daft Punk’s manager Pedro Winter on the label Because Music, Ed Banger Records. It is remixed by SebastiAn. You should also know that this principle of using a double player, was designed by the advertising agency JWT Paris. You can see the video clip in the following article.
To enable this interaction, the agency Wunderman has developed the first dual player on Youtube. It allows reading 2 complete synchronized videos from the same window. You can change graphical environment during the video goes on.
To meet this challenge, Nokia has invited the famous designer So-Me, a member of the iconic Ed Banger Records, author of many clips for the French label such as "D.A.N.C.E." from Justice and more recently "Barbra Streisand" from Duck Sauce. The remix has been produced by the French DJ SebastiAn and comes from the track "Pedrophilia", originally created in 2008 by Pedro Winter. The music fits perfectly with the images of a party that we would have liked to attend...
This activation will strengthen and support the ad campaign that already started. In addition to that, a game is available on the Facebook page of Nokia France: Have fun!