In the last 12 months Thomas Gold’s profile has soared skywards. Thomas’ music has swept club charts the world over, whilst his djing has seen him circumnavigated the planet with rousing appearances throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East and North America. And this meteoric rise hasn’t gone unnoticed as Beatport earmarked him ‘One to watch in 2010’ and Toolroom records snapping him up as both a label artist and residents DJ. So from the turn of the new decade Thomas will be part of the infamous ‘Toolroom Knights’ party crew. Today, we offer you an exclusive interview with the German based producer. It follows notably the interview of other German based producer like M.A.N.D.Y., Thomas Schumacher and Butch. First of all, I would like to thank Thomas who answered our questions.
“Hello Thomas,
You’ve just released some days ago, on Toolroom Records, the remix of Static Revenger & Richard Vission “I Like That” that I reviewed and that is for sure the best remix of this EP. Could you please tell us more about this track? Why did you choose to remix it?
> When I listened to the original track, I really liked it and I got instantly a couple of ideas how to remix it. This is very important to me when it comes to deciding if I do a remix or not. I have to feel something about the track, be it a melody, the groove, the vibe or any other element. Just something which could inspire me.
Just before it, you released “Agora” on the Swedish imprint of Steve Angello: Size Records. How did you two met? Why is release under Size and not Toolroom?
> Actually I didn't meet Steve for AGORa, the track got signed by his brother AN21. Once I was playing in a club in Stockholm, he came by to visit me and it happened that I played the rough test version of AGORa (I often take my new tracks with me to try them out in the club before finishing them). As he heard it, AN21 loved it and wanted it for Size (he's doing the A&R for the label). So a couple of days later Steve gave his OK and AGORa got signed to Size. I was quite excited about that! So there never was the question of signing it to Toolroom OR Size as it just happened J
What will be your next release?
> After doing a couple of remixes, I'm presently working on a new single which already got signed to Axtone; it's not finished yet but together with my manager we are working on a couple of vocal ideas on it so it might be released around WMC in march…
For 2011, what we expect from you? New tracks? A compilation maybe? An album?
> There will be of course more new tracks from myself and there will also be some remixes during the year. I'm also thinking about an album but I think this might be something for either the end of the year or 2012. I just don't want to rush it. I want it to be perfect and not just a simple a congeries of tracks. So it has to grow and develop over time. But for sure you can expect one just not sure if in 2011…
If you look back to 2010, what can you say about it? 2009 was a successful year with the release ‘Everybody Be Somebody’ (MoS) that topped the international charts from Spain to Canada, then your single ‘Shake It’ (Cr2) and your remix of Delirium “Silence” awarded as Best progressive/house track from Beatport. This trend continued in 2010. You have once more been topping the Beatport charts when ‘The Button’ (Toolroom Records) went straight to #1! So globally what is your vision about 2011?
> It's just about getting even better with my productions and simply doing great music! I'm learning about production every day and I'm happy that I can do what I love. So I'm looking forward to producing new tracks and to travelling around the world for my DJ gigs.
I’ve read onto your Myspace a sentence saying you were the “Rising star of 2010” from Beatport and Axwell named you “Breakthrough DJ and producer of 2010”. Honestly I think you are already a star for more than 4 years! Indeed, I discovered you for the first time when I bought a fantastic vinyl the “Paintbootiqa EP” you produced with Björn Mandry. So 2010 sounds like a huge come-back for your part. How do you explain this? Did you change something in your way of working and producing?
> Haha, thanks a lot - but I think being a star means a lot more than just being named like this! I've been producing for a couple of years now, but it really started only 4 years ago. That was the time when I began to produce on my own, my own ideas, the style I really loved.
> During the years I changed a lot in how I produce my music when it comes to technical equipment. I also learned a lot about how to do a club track in the right way - what sounds will work on the dancefloor, how to arrange, what are the do's and don'ts regarding club music production… But what never changed is the way I live my tracks - I always had and still have a very musical approach, for me it's all about a musical vibe in a track. And this will never change for me. Music is all about emotion!
After we gave this little introduction about your music news to our readers, we wanted to get back to your origins. Indeed, could you please tell us in a few words, how did you become a DJ and producer?
> It started all with buying some vinyl records and trying to Dj at friends’ parties – just for fun. With a bit more experience and enough confidence I got the chance to DJ at a club, but it seemed it wasn´t enough experience as the club owner didn´t really like what I was playing… So this got me even more motivated and I practiced more and finally I got my first real residency.
For the production, I started making music when I was a teenager, with a little digital synthesizer and some oldschool hardware equipment. A bit later I got my first computer with a software sequencer. In the beginning, my productions sounded like crap but I always had this vision that I want to do tracks which will be played in clubs…
At the beginning, did your family understand what you did for a living? And now are they proud of what you achieved along the years?
> It was not too easy for them to see or to understand my vision of making out a living by being a music producer. But they always supported me and my love for the music. They paid for my keyboard lessons and for my first pieces of gear. It was not always easy but today, they are very proud and - they are happy for me!
Moreover Thomas, what do you know about the French electronic music scene? Are there some artists that you personally know or especially love their music?
> For me it's a huge scene with a massive impact on the allover music scene! French house music has always been an important thing for me. There have been lots of big producers and DJs and there are still many upcoming new guys!
> I know a couple of them and we are in close touch, for example Norman Doray, Arno Cost, Tristan Garner or Gregori Klosman, Sebastien Drums. We're exchanging music and knowledge, and we always have fun together when we have a chance to meet at gigs or at ADE or WMC J
Besides music, what are your hobbies?
> Haha, not much time left for other things! But music isn't only a job, it's my hobby and my passion! Other from that, I love to go out with friends, be it for cinema, dinner or just hanging out at a bar…
Thomas Gold, to conclude this interview, we have a few more questions to better know you. Sometimes one word is enough!
The song you advice us to listen in your discography?
> AGORa (one of my most important own productions)
An artist you would like to work with, one day?
> Axwell
3 words to define your music?
> Intensive, rocking, energetic
Are you using vinyl or mp3 for your mix?
> MP3 (on USB & CD)
One word about France?
> Love France, been there for holiday a lot and I would love to come over more often!
The software you use to produce?
> Logic 9
One privilege, being DJ, gives you access to?
> Meet and get to know different people from all over the world; travel the world and see many places I would otherwise not have the chance to and it´s just great to be able to play my music and see people having fun!
Did you use your aura of being a DJ to go out with a girl? Did it work?
> Once. It didn’t work out. I met MY girl while I was not Djing J
Your favorite track these days?
> Kim Fai - Era
Some words about Actualités Electroniques?
> GREAT, love it!
Thomas, thank you very much for the time you devoted to Actualités Electroniques and particularly for this interview. We will wait for sure for your next productions. We hope to see you in France soon maybe for a mixed session. See ya!”
Dj Aroy
Thomas Gold @ Juno Download
Thomas Gold @ Toolroom Records