You will find in this category each week, an interview or a biograhpy of a Dj or artist which is breaking the news. All styles are on the “menu” of this category: minimal, house, electro, techno or even trance in some cases.
The topic will be supplemented by other Djs following the latest electronic music news.
Thanks to the German label Boxer Recordings, the best label of Cologne, we got an exclusive interview with Paolo Alberto Lodde aka Dusty Kid that will release soon a solo album. I wanted to begin by thanking the label and Dusty Kid who answered our questions. After the interviews of other techno artists like Umek, Extrawelt, Da Fresh, Troy Pierce, DJ Hell or Spektre, Actualites Electroniques will continue to make some interviews of producers, DJs and artists from the electronic music scene, in order they will give us their vision of the electronic music world. We will give you the best. Enjoy your reading.
"Hi Dusty Kid,
Some weeks ago you released the crazy track “Argia” of about 16 minutes. The name of the track is also the name of a spider in Sardaigna. How did you get the idea to create such a track? Have you been bitten previously by this spider?
> I was discussing with my friend Teo (who also cares about some DK stuff like websites, artwork and so on) and he came up with this legend about Argia and its bite: I liked so much the idea and the fact the this spider is related to Sardinian territory only, so the song arrived consequentially.
What will be your next release? I think it will be your new album. Right? Could you please give us more information about it? For instance will there be some featurings?
> The next single which will anticipate the album release is planned for late October and it will be an acid track. The album is a sort of Raver's Diary 2.0, but more psychedelic and with some '70 electronic influences like Tangerine Dream, Aphrodite's Child and a bit of folky vibes here and there. There'll be no featuring, except for a clarinet played by a very virtuoso woman I met last winter, for probably the best track I ever done so far.
If you look back to the beginning of 2011, what can you say about it? What is your vision of the couple past months? Busy right?
> I've been touring a lot as usual, and the time for studio unfortunately is not always enough. I had almost 1 month of stop traveling in January, and I've realized that when I'm not traveling for a long time (i.e.2 weeks, which is a long period since I'm traveling every fucking weekend since the last 5 years!!) making music for me is definitely easier. So let's say that gigs all over the world are good but they kill my creativity a lot.
After you give us these infos about your music news, we would like to go back to your musical roots. Could you briefly tell us how did you become DJ and producer?
> My mom claims that the first word I've said was "disco" (which means "record", vinyl, in Italian). I've studied piano and violin but at 14 years old I discovered electronic music and I started making my own noises at home, then the rest arrived not so late :)
At the beginning, did your family understand what you did for a living? And now are they proud of what you achieved along the years?
> They were a bit worried, of course my parents wanted me to get a degree at university, but they knew since I was young that what I wanted to do in my life was just music; so they're proud to see I've reached exactly the job I've always dreamt to do.
I’ve recently heard that Pete Tong, on his Essential Mix on Radio 1, qualified your music as “bouncy, psychedelic and techno”. How would you define your style?
> What Pete says sounds good, I'm so oriented towards psychedelia and melody, but I honestly don't know how to name it, there aren't proper words to define it.
If you act effectively under this nickname, you produced also some tracks under your other alias Duoteque. Indeed you worked under this other pseudo with your friend Andrea Ferlin. Can you tell us a bit more about this project and how you decide to produce this or that piece of music under one of your aliases?
> When I met Andrea, we decided to make some music tighter even if our background were totally different, in fact this helped us a lot. What you've heard from Duoteque is just the result of what we did in studio together. Now he is running his own label Sleep Is Commercial, which is very interesting and quality, and I like a lot the concept behind it so I don't know when yet but I'll release something on it soon.
Knowing that you come from Italia and more especially from Sardaigna, could you please tell us a bit more about the Italian electronic scene, mainly knows because of Benny Benassi and more recently the Crookers?!
> I'm not really aware of what musically happens in Italy honestly as I played there (yes there, as I'm from Sardinia which is a world apart from the rest of Italy) 5 or 6 times in my life and, to be honest, I've found it very far and disconnected from the rest of Europe. As far as I saw, Italians are just focused on being metrosexual, noisy and groupies, instead of listening properly what people do.
Do you have in mind an emerging artist of the Italian scene, to introduce to our readers?
> Nothing from the Italian scene honestly. But from Sardinia yes, there are few names that will certainly become big soon: one is my friend Acrine, a young talented girl which has very big sensibility for the music, and she made couple of good tunes on her own label. Also, there is another one, Claudio PRC: he's already playing everywhere in the world proposing a very interesting techno with an old school vibe
The website I manage and where the interview will be published is mainly read by French electronic music lovers. What do you know about the French electronic scene? Are there one or two French artists that you personally know or simply like their music?
> I love France, I love its crowd. I love playing at Rex Club in Paris or at Villa Rouge in Montpellier. I have lots of friends there so it’s always a pleasure for me coming to your country. Artists? There are too many! From Air and Daft Punk, to Popof and Julian Jeweil, really too many to mention.
Besides music, what are your hobbies?
> Music is my life basically is just my hobby and my job at the same time. I'm not a big fan of traveling, so I've probably chosen the worst job!
Dusty Kid, before we conclude this interview we have a few more questions. Sometimes one word is enough!
The track you advice us to listen to in your discography?
> Cowboys
An artist you would like to work with one day?
> Bob Dylan, Thomas Henke, Klaus Schulze, too many
3 words to define your music?
> Psychedelic, emotional, electronic
One word about France?
Best night club in Italia?
> Next question?
Best football club team in Italia?
> Ahahahahaha NEXT QUESTION?
Are you using vinyl or mp3 for your mix?
> I'm not a DJ, I don't usually mix
The software you use to produce?
> Ableton Live, Cubase 6, Logic Pro
One privilege, being DJ, gives you access to?
> It gives me access to fill my ears and my belly too
Your favorite track these days?
> Coldplay's “Every Teardrop is a Waterfall”
Dusty Kid, thank you very, very much for the time you devoted to Actualités Electroniques and particularly for this full and exclusive interview. We will wait for sure for your next productions and your album. Hope to see you soon in Paris too. A bientôt!”