Tonight David Guetta was the author of a live performance worthy of the greatest. Indeed, during a chat held by the Internet users of Facebook, there was a special mix of David Guetta, in honor of his new album "One Love". Initially, he played the tracks of his new album and then came with some exclusive tracks and bootlegs each one more incredible than the following. The mix is available at the following link.
Invited by his record company Sony, which has just published his latest album, David Guetta has engaged in an interview responding to questions from Facebook users. All orchestrated by China, host of MTV, it took place both in English and French. There were a lot of people, in the romm where he was, but the public does not seem really hot.
David began by playing songs from his album « One Love » which has gradually pushed up the atmosphere, especially on the Internet. Indeed, the public despite the rocking tracks by David was struggling to wiggle. This has just broken the atmosphere, we must confess. The hottest David shows us, again his amazing smile. Sure, it's a pleasure to see a dj like this, who at least enjoys playing his tracks. Then David gave us his latest production which should be released during summer 2010. The title just completed house is mixed with some synthesizers and a trance house rhythm. The title is really nice will certainly buzz very soon.
Then David offers us some of his favorites track one of Arias and older track of new wave, but I don’t know thein names. He also played some of these tracks and a bootleg version of Estelle American boy. A bootleg, made in "Fuck Me I'm Famous". I guess!
Lastly, it was a good mix a bit too commercial, but logical regarding his album. He decided to create an album especially for the U.S. market. Feel free to leave your comments anyway.